Welcome to Monex Academy

South Wales premier facility supplying first class driver training – putting you in the driver’s seat.

About Monex Academy

Fully Funded HGV/LGV Training Courses

Fully funded HGV/LGV driver training courses at Monex Academy using a Welsh Government Personal Learning Account. A PLA allows you to obtain new skills and qualifications to change your career…

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HGV & LGV Training Courses

Monex Academy offers HGV/LGV Training for anyone looking to embark on a new career and those who need to upskill their existing driving qualification.

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Highway Code

Use the following link to access the highway code on gov.uk

Highway Code

Download The Highway Code app

The Highway Code UK for iPhone and Android - app icon

The Highway Code for iPhone and iPadGet it on Google Play

Monex Logistics Academy are proud to be a training partner of the NHS

Monex Logistics Academy are proud to be a trusted training partner of TSW Training

Monex Logistics Academy are proud to be a trusted training partner of Wyevern Plant Training

TSW TrainingWyevern Plant TrainingNHSLRC TrainingISOQAR 9001ISOQAR 45001Armed Forces CovenantRTITB PartnerRHAFORSNDGTCDriver CPCUKAS ISO9001UKAS-ISO45001Allmi
TSW TrainingWyevern Plant TrainingNHSLRC TrainingISOQAR 9001ISOQAR 45001Armed Forces CovenantRTITB PartnerRHAFORSNDGTCDriver CPCUKAS ISO9001UKAS-ISO45001Allmi